Antech Constructions home design tips

Top 5 decorating tips for home owners


As a base for your room, choose classically neutral colours that don’t date. This way you will have a pallet that lasts over the seasonal fashion trends. You can easily change cushions, pictures and accessories for a new look with minimal cost and a huge effect. 


Antech Constructions media room



Keep your area light and create an airy and open feel by using natural lighting and products. Try to avoid filling the room with lots of pieces of furniture and multiple accessories as this can dull the area and make it feel dark and cluttered.

Antech Constructions gorgeous dining rooms



When buying furniture, make sure it’s actually comfortable and fits the room its going to be used in. If your furniture looks fabulous but is extremely uncomfortable or the wrong size, not only will it not get used but it will make your room look cluttered and smaller than it actually is. It’s worth spending a bit more money on a few expensive pieces of furniture that will last then have cheap furniture that is uncomfortable, doesn’t fit the room, dates quickly and falls apart.

Antech Constructions home design tips



Choose what you like and incorporate pieces that are important to you. After all, it’s your home and where you spend your time relaxing. Try experimenting with decorative items, move them around and see what works, but remember to keep it simple to avoid cluttering your space.

Antech Constructions home design tips



Have a plan and floor plan to help visualise the look you are aiming to achieve. Measure your room, get samples of colours, pictures of accessories, furniture dimensions and write a list of what you want to achieve. Make a paper floor plan of your room, have cut outs of the items and then move them around on your plan to see what will work before physically doing the work. This will actually save you a lot of time in the long run when it comes to bringing your ideal room to life.

Antech Constructions home design tips


No matter what your theme, when selecting your colours and feature colours, remember that colours create a mood for the room. Think about what the room will be used for, what 'feel' you are opting for and what you want to achieve for the room. Research your colour and what works with it, even try experimenting with different shades of the colour to see what works for you.

But, if all else fails, get someone else to do it! The are many interior designers, colour consultants or even friends that can save you a heap of time and stress.




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